Du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 18h en continu

Support Téléphone-Chiffon Anti-Stress *

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The MopTopper Phone Stand is a great promotional, stress relieving gift for anyone in your target audience. Multi-purpose items are always great for promoting your organization or business. Basically, the more functions an item has, the more often it will be used and the more often it gets used, the more often people will see your brand imprint. In addition, with desk space being so limited, a multi-purpose item allows you to conserve space by providing two or more items that only take up the space of one. So instead of cluttering a desk with a stress reliever, a phone holder, and a touch screen cleaner (all important office accessories), why not just have one item that performs all three functions?
Microfibre hair functions as a screen cleaner; 3 large print areas to push your brand or message; Unique design that allows it to be used to hold phones and tablets

Informations complémentaires

Dimensions 67 × 67 × 90 mm

blanc, jaune, rouge, bleu



Notre service client à votre disposition au 04 93 28 08 79

du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 18h

Bureaux situés à Villeneuve-Loubet dans les Alpes-Maritimes, un entrepôt sur Nice et une équipe de terrain basée en Bretagne.

OKAVENGO E. U. R. L, au capital de 7500 EUR - RCS NICE 800891046 - SIRET : 80089104600016 - NAF : 4649 Z - 739 Avenue Jean Marchand, Marina Baie des Anges, Le Baronnet - 06270 Villeneuve- Loubet
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